Parent/Teacher Conferences
Click the link to:
Signup - High School
Signup - Middle School
Signup - Elementary


Aides and Attendants

Patrick Henry Schools is accepting applications for educational aides and attendants for positions that may come available. There currently are no openings, but we are anticipating openings during the school year. To be considered, please submit the Classified application on our web site along with the items listed on the application.

Current Positions

Substitutes Needed

Substitute teachers and paraprofessionals (aides) are needed. If you are interested in a part-time position in education to earn some additional money, please review the document below or call the Superintendent’s Office at 419-274-4853.

NWOESC Substitute Flyer

Administrative Application
Application for principals, administrators, and supervisors

Application for aides, secretarial, custodial, bus, and cafeteria roles at Patrick Henry Schools

Certified Application
Application for teachers and other licensed professionals

Looking for a Job in Education?

We have a new location (as of 2022) to look for Ohio jobs in education. The state-wide education related jobs site replaces the old OECN jobs site. We highly recommend checking this site out for education related positions and you can also find our positions listed on the site. There is a map feature, as well as a search feature.

Ohio K-12 Jobs
State-wide education related jobs