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Director of Technology

Dustin Ruffell

Welcome to the Patrick Henry Technology Page!
The mission of the Patrick Henry Technology Department is to Support The District To Enhance Students! We are one of the only departments that affects every aspect of school culture and we want to see it grow positively! Our staff of approximately 2.5 people loves what they do!
To contact me by phone, you may call 419-274-1876. If you reach my voicemail, it may take a few days for me to respond due to the number of people we serve (students, staff, parents, and community).
You may also email our entire technology department at [email protected]. If you would like to reach me personally, you can use the staff directory to send me a personal email. 
Dustin Ruffell
Director of Technology / CTO 

Exciting Resources for Our Parents!

The Patrick Henry Tech Department has put together some resources for our parents!
More +

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy Change

Notice about a Policy Change that affects next school year 2020-2021 More +

Transferring Google Drive Content

Info for transferring Google Drive content
More +

Meet Our Team

Dustin Ruffell, Director of Technology

Dustin Ruffell
Director of Technology

Linda Hummer, Integration Specialist

 Linda Hummer
Integration Specialist, Computer Teacher K-4 

Justin Wilson, Systems Administrator

Justin Wilson
Systems Administrator, Hardware Specialist

Online Content Laws and Regulations

There are many online laws and regulations that are applicable to the educational environment and the rights of students, parents, and the district. It is important to know that the school district may provide consent for students to use online educational software and apps. It is also vitally important that the district complies with federal and local regulations.
Patrick Henry Local Schools has developed a vetting process to ensure all online software and apps comply with federal FERPA and COPPA laws. We then compile the list of all online software and apps that have been vetted, along with appropriate terms of use and privacy policies, and provide that list to our students, parents, and guardians in FinalForms and on this website.
Process for Vetting New Online Software/Apps
  • Teachers can request new online software/apps to be vetted through our PHVettedRequest Form.
  • All requests are reviewed by the appropriate Building Administrator(s), Director of Technology, and Director of Students Services and approval dates are added to our aggregated list - PHVettedPrograms.
  • Parents and students sign-off that the list has been made available to them through FinalForms before the start of each school year.

Below you will find information on FERPA, COPPA, and CIPA. 


Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
In a Nutshell:
FERPA gives parents the right to have access to their children's education records, the right to seek to have records ammended, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information.
At Patrick Henry:
this means that we list what is defined as directory information in board policy 8330 (available on the superintendent's webpage), and we limit information we provide to 3rd party companies. 
Currently, we vet online software/apps to ensure that they have programs in place to ammend and protect the student information that is provided, that companies are NOT selling student data, and that there are appropriate retention and deletion practices in place.


Children's Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA)
In a Nutshell:
COPPA puts special restrictions on software companies about the information they can collect about students under 13. Students, under 13, can't make their own accounts.
At Patrick Henry:
this generally means that we also vet all online apps/software for COPPA compliant language, in addition to FERPA requirements, for our students under the age of 13.


Childrens Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
In a Nutshell:
CIPA requires district to put measures in place that filter inappropriate material and protect and train students. CIPA is not a federal law, but it is required for our district to receive federal funding through the FCC E-rate program, which provides discounted services on internet costs.
At Patrick Henry
this is the reason we have a web filter in place on all of our school devices and internet and it is one of the reasons we spend time educating students in digitial identity management and appropriate online behavior.