There are many online laws and regulations that are applicable to the educational environment and the rights of students, parents, and the district. It is important to know that the school district may provide consent for students to use online educational software and apps. It is also vitally important that the district complies with federal and local regulations.
Patrick Henry Local Schools has developed a vetting process to ensure all online software and apps comply with federal FERPA and COPPA laws. We then compile the list of all online software and apps that have been vetted, along with appropriate terms of use and privacy policies, and provide that list to our students, parents, and guardians in FinalForms and on this website.
Process for Vetting New Online Software/Apps
- Teachers can request new online software/apps to be vetted through our PHVettedRequest Form.
- All requests are reviewed by the appropriate Building Administrator(s), Director of Technology, and Director of Students Services and approval dates are added to our aggregated list - PHVettedPrograms.
- Parents and students sign-off that the list has been made available to them through FinalForms before the start of each school year.
Below you will find information on FERPA, COPPA, and CIPA.