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Patrick Henry Community Foundation

Patrick Henry Community Foundation

The Patrick Henry Community Foundation is a non-profit organization which strives to encourage public support of Patrick Henry Schools and their communities. Various fundraisers throughout the year allow the Foundation to offer scholarships to graduating seniors and grants for teachers. Since the PH Community Foundation has been organized, we have given out more than $25,000 in scholarships to Patrick Henry graduates. The members of the Foundation would like to express their appreciation for your support during the past year.

Current members:


Josie Lirot

Vice President

Cory Erford


Heather Carpenter

Assistant Treasurer

Steve Gerken


Tara Boyer

Scholarship Committee Chair

Tara Boyer, Steve Gerken

Teacher Grants Chair

Tara Boyer

Cheese Fundraiser Chair

Heather Carpenter

Raffle Fundraiser Chair

Steve Gerken

Distinguished Alumni Chair

Greg Gobrogge

Contact Us - Community Foundation
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