School Code (for the app)
KTRR is the school code the app needs for our school. You can also search for it on the app.
We highly recommend the website for complete functionality. The app is more limited that the website and we have less "control" over it. The app's primary purpose is to quickly and convinently check student grade/progress.
If You Have Never Created An Account or Never Logged In
PowerSchool Parent Portal accounts are created by the parents! In order to complete this process, you will need a child specific access code to tie your child's information to your account. This code is different from the username and password that your child uses to access his/her personal PowerSchool Account. In order to get your child specific access code, please contact your building office, guidance, or central registration.
If You Have An Account and Forgot Your Password
Here is an instruction page help you recover your account through the "Forgot your password" link on the portal:
PowerSchool Account Recovery Information and an animated gif below to walk you through the process :)
Changing Your Personal Information (email, username, password)
Parents can change their email address, username, and or password in the "Account Preferences" portion of the Parent Portal. You need to login to access the page.
Complete User GuideYou can also view or save the complete
Parent Portal User Guide.
Grade History - "Disappearing" GradesBecause of the difference in grading reporting between the Elem/MS & HS, you will notice that at the end of the semester grades will "disappear." Once a grading period ends, those grades become part of "Grade History." You will need to view them by clicking the Grade History tab in the Navigation on the left. This will be most noticeable to 9th Grade Parents.
Grades will not show up in Grade History until they are stored
HS Terms End at the Semester (2 terms - Jan/May)
MS/Elem Terms end at the year (1 term - May)
Google Doc With Pictures